
Sony / Capcom: and, A Street Fighter game for the PS4?

This viral video of HadoukenCabs with a PS logo may surprise some players. I don’t think this trailer is trying to give us a clue about Street Fighter IV à la Mario Kart. Though realistically speaking, it seems like it could be a version of Ultra Street Fighter 4 exclusively coming to the PlayStation 4, or a compilation of previous titles. Why? Because: 1) the license plate says PS1994, 2) the date the arcade version of Street Fighter was launched (August 30, 1987) in a phone format (with a KO next to it), 3) the font of the taxi company, 4) the photo of an old office, 5) a PS4 controller, and 6) a 1990s cell phone.

By the way, I never thought I would see Ryu as a taxi driver. Could that have been his job before becoming a world champion and the main reason there is a car (to destroy) in the game?

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